• About Valerie

    I am genuinely committed to the truth, transparency and integrity of the skincare industry.


    I have pioneered a vibrant skincare culture that embodies the Pacific Coast’s way of living and aging

    Drawing inspiration from the region’s organic agriculture, love of super foods, powerful marine plants and mindful lifestyle choices, I have created a completely unique way of practice that keeps your complexion youthful and in alignment with the integrity of your whole body health.


    Purevana is committed to ingredient purity, efficacy and accurate cosmetic chemistry in the formulations we work with. We will always continue to evolve with innovative methods of reviving and healing the skin using only the most advanced scientific approaches.

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    Purevana is now located at

    eleven belle avenue in San Anselmo

    Our parking lot is on the corner of Belle Avenue & San Anselmo Avenue across from M&H bakery as well as street parking right out front.